Junior Programme 2013
Come and join the fun – Fridays from 10th May to 26th Sept
Small Nix: 5-8 years 3.45-4.30pm (20 Max)
The Small Nix programme is aimed at young beginners who are new to the game of squash. It will cover the development of Fundamental Movement Skills, Speed and Agility and Fun Squash Activities appropriate to their stage of athletic development.
Big Nix: 9-12 years 4.30-5.30pm (20 Max)
Youth: 13+ years 5.30-6.30pm (20 Max)
The Big Nix and Youth programmes are aimed at developing players who may still be relatively new to the game who wish to improve their skills and their game. It will cover, General Movement, Squash Coordination, Tactical Awareness and Squash Technique.
Cost: $70 (non-members)
Registrations close 23rd April
Click below to view and print the Junior Programme registration form